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Born: 4 March 1974


Nationality:  Maltese


Formal Art Education

Self-thought from 25 years of observing and painting from nature






The Rock Fall


Date: 2014


Media: Oil on Canvas


Size: W55 x H50 cm


Description of Artwork

The ancient eroded cliffs by the sea stood silently watching in the intense summer heat and the short midday shadows made the boulders take a life of their own.  This recent rock fall at Selmun was painted by the artist for the intense shapes and reflections that seem to exude raw energy and beauty.








Tiers of Clouds


Date: 2014


Media: Oil on Canvas


Size: W55 x H50 cm


Description of Artwork

Painted en plein air from Birgu bastions overlooking Isla, the thick formation of clouds were a welcome spectacle after the long cloud-less Maltese summer.  The clouds cast on the town below created dark shadows with shafts of sunlight brightening up the occasional ochre facade













Siege Bell and Surroundings - Grand Harbour


Date: 2014


Media: Oil on Canvas


Size: W55 x H50 cm


Description of Artwork


''The stormy seas where rolling on the limestone coast, just below the Great Siege Memorial Bell.  The Grand Harbour was quiet from human activity. It was an October dawn, just as the sun rose over the horizon, I was there on location capturing the energy and the  moment in front of me, and putting it on canvas'' Henry Falzon







Born in 1974, Henry Falzon is interested in representing the Maltese landscape in all its forms and shapes.  The main trust in his work is about representing the energy and vibrancy of the local landscape bathed in Mediterranean sun.  The strong shadows, the ochre limestone, the often cloudless skies, the olive greens give way to colourful hues that the artist sees and amplifies.  Henry has a soft spot for rural scenes and often depicts a story that needs to be communicated to the viewer with urgency.  The bold outlines are recipients of energetic representations that go beyond the simple shape of objects. 


Often working on location en plien air, or in the studio, from annotated location sketches, Henry attempts to capture the spirit of the vision experienced from that particular location - all executed in thick impasto oil paints on canvas using premium archival materials. 


This 'spirit' preoccupation resonates with the artists subconscious and to a good extent dictates the colour, texture, and temperature schemes the artist uses for the art work.  The viewer, through Henry's work, is invited to experience and ''be present and feel'' the scene presented on the canvas.

Henry Falzon

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