Born: 27 August 1975
Nationality: Maltese
Formal Arts Education:
Degree in Art Education at University of Malta
Post-Graduate Degree in Fine Arts at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Pietro Vannucci, Perugia, Italy.
Though painting still remains his preferred medium his versatile approach to art allows him to reveal in different ways the complex nature of the human being as well as the primordial link between mankind and the natural environment.
Comment on Selfie Challenge:
UV laminated digital monoprint
W36 cm x H52 cm
The selfie affirms one’s own social existence. In the past, the self-portrait or commissioned portrait was a private practice intended to commemorate or acknowledge the importance of the sitter. Nowadays, the selfie presents itself as a monument for everybody to witness, exposing in real time personal and social events. The repetitive exposure of the self on social
networks is symptomatic of a diffused urge to render the present eternal. In ‘Selfie Ergo Sum’, Saliba dissects and recomposes two images, one of himself and another of a marble bust representing an anonymous Roman nobleman. The similar facial traits of the two figures
are remarkable. By assuming the pose of the Roman nobleman Saliba suggests concerns related to self-representation, namely; identification, legacy, commemoration and perpetuation.